Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 66 - Just Done With 4th Flare

In the last month, I tried to live a life that's closer to normal after getting a more calculated idea of what goes on during/after each flare. The 3rd and 4th flare was pretty bad, but considerably less serious and definitely more tolerable than the first 2 (sheer nightmare), but I had good days in between flares which I felt comfortable enough to head out for dinners and chilling sessions with my friends. A flare typically goes like this - crazy itch takes over my legs and arms for 2-3 days and the skin is begging to be scratched hard and furious, and nothing gives relief, not even an anti-histamine pill! Of course, the end result is anything but a relief - inflamed red blotchy mess all over my skin :(
I know full well I should not be doing that but I can't help it, but trust me, it's not psychological.

Certain friends think I stay home too much and not participating in their social happenings. I doubt they understand the intensity of the situation that I'm going through, and it's frankly hard to even half comprehend it unless they are in my shoes or actually bothered to do quick research on it.

So far, the affected areas are on my lower arms, entire legs, and the severity of it at my hands and feet, and thankfully the eczema is contained within these areas and has not spread! Hallelujah. During the first few days of a flare-up, I'd dread taking baths as the water will sting my freshly scratched wounds, and after a bath my skin becomes really dry and tight and feels really uncomfortable. The moisturizing regime of slathering moisturizer and oil (seriously time-consuming) does provide some relief, but the discomfort still lingers. During this period, massive amount of skin is renewed, hardened and shed! Constant cleaning of bed and room leaves a heap of dead skin (sorry for the visual). Thereafter, things look-up with significantly clearer skin and less shedding, although the itch still lingers with sudden bouts of mad itch throughout the day. As you can imagine, it's not easy to get out of the house.

I shall not even start on the social embarrassment when you try to go out in the day, or the heat which really irritates the skin. And the contact of slippers/shoes against my inflamed feet causes abrasion and aggravates the condition.

Thankfully, my boyfriend is extremely supportive and does not mind my skin at all! It made me realize how selfless he is and how much he really loves me. And my dad who eagerly replenishes the fruits supply (for juicing) and badgering me to try TCM(traditional chinese medicine). More of my holistic regime in the next post!