Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 31 - Itch Fest / Flare #2

Second round of flare coming right up!

And it's itch fest all over again. I'm finding it hard being productive working on my online store (thankful I have this to provide me with some income while going through TSW) when I'm constantly itching. My mind is just on the itch and nothing else. It's really hard to try to think about something else when all I want is relief!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I collected enough dead skin from the renewing and shedding process (i shall call it snaking process) from my hands and feet from the past 3 days to make a purse if I will.

I woke up on Day 20 to a hideous crusty hands that wouldl give a 150 year old's hands a run for their money. it felt like there was a thick foreign skin stuck onto my hands and arm and I experienced what some described as 'something crawling under the skin'. An Epsom salt soak provided some relief and reduced the damaged caused by peeling/sloughing off the dead skin. Within a mere 3 days, my skin is looking up. The angry red spots and thick dry skin cleared up about 60%, but I know this is far from over. As what I've read on, it's 'two step forward and one step back'.

See the pictures below at your own peril!! You've been warned!

At Day 20, before an epsom salt soak. I could hardly open my hands or move my fingers. It was horrifying to say the least.

After an epsom salt soak, with dead skin sloughed away.

Day 20 - Green Supplies & Fake Leather Hands

Woke up with dry, thick crusty hands, and prickly dryness at the crease of the arms. It proves to be a bitch to move my arm and hands without feeling the tightness. The entire of my right arm is so extensively covered looks so ghastly raw and red, it resembles and feel likes a fake leather glove (except its real!) 

On a happier note, I received my first anticipated loot containing mostly green and organic items from iHerb. I'm awaiting more of my holistic and natural items to arrive but I'll save that for later when it arrives. A review for the items below will be in the pipelines- I can't wait to share these with anyone who wish to lead a less toxic life as well as reduce their carbon footprint.
If you wish to place an order with iHerb, you can use the my personal iHerb coupon code CHK442 to receive $10 off your first order of $40 and above, or $5 for $40 and below. Please do use my code for me to receive referral points!

My get-up for the day to stock up on groceries. Figured I had to go out now before it takes over my face as well.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 19 - It's creeping insidiously to my face

The affected areas are insidiously spreading - it's moving upwards.  It's currently on my hands, extending towards the mid upper arm, and it's taking over the whole of my legs as well. For the past week, I was hoping against all odds that I would be lucky to have my torso and face be left alone, since I've never applied steroid cream on those areas. But alas, my luck ran dry. My cheeks, eyelids and upper lip area are now showing signs of dryness and redness. Fuck me!

I was still functioning with some semblance of sanity and normality when my face was intact. I'd simply just cover up in longs and I'd look pretty normal (except for the gross feet and hands). However it's not all that enjoyable going out all covered up in a tropical country, where the ridiculous heat and high humidity makes me feel sticky and itchy as quickly as stepping out of my house. But now with the face thrown into the picture as well, it's gonna be a different ballgame from here. 

Come what may, I'll take you on.

Note: Took my first zyrtec (anti-histamine) an hour ago, and I seem to feel much less itchy! It's pretty costly at SGD1.20 a pill.