Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I collected enough dead skin from the renewing and shedding process (i shall call it snaking process) from my hands and feet from the past 3 days to make a purse if I will.

I woke up on Day 20 to a hideous crusty hands that wouldl give a 150 year old's hands a run for their money. it felt like there was a thick foreign skin stuck onto my hands and arm and I experienced what some described as 'something crawling under the skin'. An Epsom salt soak provided some relief and reduced the damaged caused by peeling/sloughing off the dead skin. Within a mere 3 days, my skin is looking up. The angry red spots and thick dry skin cleared up about 60%, but I know this is far from over. As what I've read on, it's 'two step forward and one step back'.

See the pictures below at your own peril!! You've been warned!

At Day 20, before an epsom salt soak. I could hardly open my hands or move my fingers. It was horrifying to say the least.

After an epsom salt soak, with dead skin sloughed away.

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